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The old, old Backgammon


The old, old Backgammon


When it comes to board games, people think mostly about chess. It is also said that chess is one of the oldest board games. Not many people know that backgammon also belong to the same group of the oldest board games for two players. Backgammon sets two sets of 15 checkers, two pairs of dice, a doubling cube and dice cups. Backgammon boards come in different variety, and this includes wood as well as marble and fiber glass. Like many other board games which are played with dice, luck counts a lot in backgammon and luck is what makes it really interesting.

When it comes to the variants of this game, they are just as much as backgammon sets UK you may find. Blast Off is a very simple game, which involves no hitting. It is designed for the children who are just learning how to move the checkers. People love to play a different and difficult type of backgammon on their backgammon sets; this is Eureika. This game depends purely on luck, and it is taught to the children in the Middle East to help them get acquainted with their wooden backgammon set and game.

Backgammon is a multi-national game and it has crossed many borders without any visa. As this has been mentioned, it is one of the oldest board games. This game was played in Roman and Byzantine empires, it was praised in Egypt and Iraq, people in Persia, Turkey, Greece, East Asia, Western Europe, Great Britain and the USA love to spend their leisure with a luxury backgammon set. This game has also touched the peaks of popularity over the internet, and people love to buy backgammon sets online. For those who are fanatics of backgammon, it is not a game, but it is an obsession.

A stylish wooden backgammon set will have a fabric base, a leather base or a billiard cloth base; choice of the owner is limited only to their imagination. They can get any surface which they like. Most of the times, people prefer billiard and fabric surfaces more than the wooden or cork surfaces. A Staunton backgammon set is highly required among the fanatics of backgammon because it is made of high quality materials. The billiard cloth surface is, however the finest and best of all; it is made of 100% woven wool and thus it is extremely quiet.

When it comes to playing backgammon, a sunny Sunday might seem shorter than an hour. There are people in Egypt, enjoying tea in the tea houses, enjoying puffs of their hookahs and playing backgammon all day. They do not care about what is happening in the world and how natural disasters or harms inflicted by men are devastating the world. They live in a Utopia where backgammon is the only reality. Backgammon sets might vary in color, design or materials, but the feeling which a person has while playing backgammon, is the same. It is a feeling of happiness, joy and ecstasy; to some it is as erotic as sex.

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